We have another guest today! It is writer and blogging enthusiast Krista Ames, who's here to talk about her new release, Second Chances. She was gracious enough to answer my interview questions, and I hope you enjoy getting to know this very talented woman.
LR: In looking over your blog, A Passion For Romance I see you've written short stories for a number of different anthologies. Do you prefer writing short to writing longer pieces, or is that just how things have worked out so far?

LR: Why romance? What attracts you to the genre, and have you tried to write in other forms?
KA: Well that's a really good question. I fear the main reason I was attracted to Romance was a failed marriage. I was looking for romance in my life and at the time, reading was the next best thing. I guess it all went from there. I read so much that I started to create my own ideas. Now I can't imagine not having books in my life. I haven't tried to write other genre's yet but I would definitely love to because my reading genre has definitely widened. I also love paranormal/shifter stories, historicals and my favorite is westerns, both modern and historical.
LR: Describe a perfectly romantic day...
KA: My perfect romantic day would be spent with my husband. We don't get enough time together these days with 4 kids so I don't even care where we are as long as it's the two of us. We love to drive through the country on a beautiful day just sightseeing. Grab dinner when we feel like it and even stay somewhere on a whim.
LR: Where do you want your writing to be in a year? In five years?
KA: Whether it be 1 year or 5 years, basically I want it to still be consistent. I don't have a specific number to be published but I just want to still be publishing at either of those marks. I'd love to have branched out from Romance into other genres but otherwise as long as I'm still writing, I'll be happy.
LR: I know some authors create playlists or have certain types of music they listen to while they write. Are you in that camp? Is there anything in particular that inspires you while you're writing?
KA: I don't have a literal play list but some of my favorites do get me in the mood for writing. I have a couple Bruno Mars and Michael Buble favorites that normally do the trick but I get so excited when all the kids are off to school and the house is quiet, I even dig through the stack of romance movies I have and play those while I write. I don't watch the movies but just hearing them gets my head in gear.
LR: These days developing an on-line platform is almost a necessity for writers. How do you see that? A hardship? A necessary evil? An entertaining way of connecting with people?
KA: Oh I totally agree that's it's necessary for writers these days. It is a necessary evil and I say evil because while there is no better way to get your name out there whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads or Triberr, the evil part comes when you feel like you could sit on those sites all day promo'ing or chatting. It sucks down way more time than I'd like some days but it definitely gets the attention needed to connect with the readers.
LR: It's almost the start of baseball season. Are you as excited about this as I am, and if so, which team is your fave?
KA: I am definitely excited for baseball season and that's probably the one sport that will interrupt about anything else I am doing. I love to watch baseball. I am totally a Detroit Tigers fan :) My son even has his room painted blue and orange. I get such a kick out of watching my husband yell at the TV.
Gotta love a baseball fan. ;) Thanks, Krista, for playing along. And now I hope the rest of you keep reading about Krista's new release, Second Chances.
If you could get a Second Chance...
When the love of Dana's life leaves without a word, she is forced to move on with her life. Despite loving him, she believes she will never see him again but, little does she know, she's being set up for a night that will change her life forever.
Nicholas, A Navy man, did the only thing he could to save the woman he loved. Driven by a secret, he disappeared and now returns, years later, with hope for love. With one opportunity, will he be able to make things right, or is it just too late? Will she deny any desire for Second Chances?
He watched her knees buckle a bit as Dana clutched at Amy’s arm, never taking her eyes off him. She said something he couldn’t make out—he never was good at reading lips. He was good at reading body language, however, and he knew in an instant what she meant to do just as she turned and made a dash for the patio door. Instinctively, he propelled himself forward, his body miraculously unfrozen. He had to go after her. He was the reason she was bailing after all. He knew from the look on her face. He passed Dave and Amy and shook his head when Dave tried to speak.
“Don’t. I’m sorry. I have to go after her.”
He closed the sliding door behind him and stood on the deck, searching the darkness. She wasn’t there. She couldn’t have gone far. She didn’t know anyone else here, and he doubted she was familiar with the area. He descended the stairs and walked out onto the yard along the water’s edge. Where’d she go? He started walking and, with relief, caught sight of a silhouette against the water toward the end of his property.
He approached her quietly. She stood, arms hugging tightly around her middle, and held her shoes in her hand while the gentle waves splashed up and over the seawall. Damn, he wanted to touch her. It’d been so long. He couldn’t deny the growing ache pushing against his heart and a sudden tightening of his groin at the sight of how well that dress fit her curves, but this definitely wasn’t the time for his libido to come to life.
He wanted to turn her, hold her in his arms, and nuzzle her beautiful neck just below her ear like she’d always loved. Would she still like it? Maybe she wouldn’t. Maybe he didn’t know her anymore, but he couldn’t stop himself. God, he wanted this woman still. He wanted her to know how very sorry he was for hurting her, and why. But she wouldn’t welcome his touch, especially now. He was certain of it. She’d likely administer a low blow, which he would totally deserve, and bolt. She was unpredictable that way. He loved that about her, too.
He was only human, however, and he couldn’t not touch her. She knew he was there—he’d seen her form go stiff at his presence. Careful not to scare her, he slowly ran his fingertips over her bare shoulders and down her arms, feeling her shiver at his touch before she took a step away. “Don’t, Nicholas,” she said in a low, shaky whisper.
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and raised in Northern Indiana, Krista now resides in Northern Lower
Michigan. (apparently she wasn't getting enough snow in Indiana:)) She
is married to a very supportive man, Chip, who allows her to follow her
true passion of writing and never complains when she is parated away on
her computer for hours. He even helps with proof-reading and is her
“in-house” editor and her idea sounding board. She is also a mother of 4
ornery children who keep her plenty busy. With an addition of 2
beautiful chocolate lab sisters and 2 playful cats, there is never a
dull or spare moment in her household.
has always loved to read and would often sit up for hours into the
night not able to put down a book until she was finished. She still
reads when she can but her main focus is creating her own stories to
share with the world.
She loves to communicate with her readers so please feel free to drop her a line anytime at krista@kristaames.com or visit her at http://www.kristaames.com orhttp://www.apassionforromance.blogspot.com.
Liv, thanks soooooo much again for having me! I had fun answering your questions and your blog looks great!
ReplyDeleteWell thank you, Krista, for being such a lovely guest. Second Chances sounds like a fun read!
Lovely interview, Liv and Krista. Yet another book to put on my TBR list.
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking in, Sherry! Always love to hear from a talented friend.